Relationship of self-perceived strengths with psychological well-being and life satisfaction among middle adults

Abstract: The current study explores the relationship of self-perceived strengths with psychological well-being and life satisfaction among middle adults. The study consists of 408 middle adults (male=204, females=204) aged between 40-59yrs were taken from the urban population of Mangalore city, Karnataka. The self-perceived strengths (Mehrotra, 2013), psychological well-being 20 (Mehrotra 2013) and life satisfaction scale (Kumar …

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Kiran: A Ray of Hope

I am Kiran, a 35 year old doctor, a responsible wife, a caring daughter-in-law and mother of a very lovely girl. Until the pandemic hit last year, I was like a superwoman performing all my duties perfectly. I was so confident, smart, wise and organized that I was sure to handle any hurdle in my …

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Freeing the Mind of Inner Disquiet: Psychological Insights from the Concept of Drushta (The Witness)

One of the concepts from the Indian traditional thought which fascinates one as a psychologist, and as a person, is that of Drushta and the attitude of sakshi bhav or witness consciousness. This profound concept is of great utility as a means for taking up a non-reactive position and distancing the self from being affected …

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5 Benefits of Walking that can help you deal with stress

The outbreak of Covid-19 has brought huge distress and uncertainty to our lives. According to WHO, more than 264 million people of different ages are suffering from depression. This rate has increased majorly due to this unexpected interruption of our regular life by the coronavirus. It has harmed us both physically and mentally. There is …

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