A Layperson’s Take on Gratitude

Many authors have described gratitude in their own words and many of us have adapted their philosophy of words, definitions in our lives but in my personal point of view and in my life, I have adapted the value of it from my maternal grandmother. Since my childhood, she taught us the value of showing gratitude towards God, nature, people in our life who bring joy, blessings with them.


She often says – “Having an attitude of gratitude is very important for one’s personality and for a peaceful mindset”.

When I practically adapted in my life, it came out so true. Shifting focus from ourselves to appreciating someone or something gives us the opportunities to express thankfulness for every part of our life.

Research suggests that one aspect of the thanksgiving session can actually lift the spirits within us. The word ‘Gratitude’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Gratia’ which means grace, graciousness or gratefulness. In some ways, gratitude encompasses all these meanings. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives from others (that could be anything in a positive way). With gratitude, a person acknowledges the goodness in their lives. In its process, people usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, being grateful also helps people connect to something larger and bigger than themselves as an individual – whether to the people, nature or an ultimate supreme power.

In positive psychology research, I have studied that it is strongly and consistently attached with greater happiness. We often see, a person feels more positive thoughts, emotions, relieves and cherishes good memories which improves their overall health and builds strong relationships.

On the basis of some research and studies – the attitude of gratitude starts with being optimistic. The journey of one’s life is challenging at every point of time and to confront those challenges without being in a perspective of optimism is impossible. It takes things one step ahead and to be grateful for each step makes you get closer to your personal and professional goals. When we have that attitude with us, we cultivate a grateful mindset which helps us feel happier, makes us more positive and more compassionate with ourselves and with the people around us.

If you want to develop an attitude of gratitude, make it a daily habit. Be grateful and thankful for everything you appreciate in your life. When we express appreciation, what we appreciate grows and increases in value. Practicing gratitude towards our relationships, work, health and home make these things more important to us. Choose to spend your time and energy on what you are most thankful for.

Many authors would suggest multiple ways to develop this attitude but in my point of view, the simplest way to start developing an attitude of gratitude is to start appreciating things and the relations which you have in your life. It’s never too late to start. It will take a bit of time but having an attitude of gratitude is one of the healthiest habits to lead a happy life.

The author of this article is: Ms. Ishu Sehgal

(Presently Pursuing Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in Psychology)

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