Fire – A Poem

There is a fire in me


There is a fire in you

Oh! I can’t control it

And you can’t control it too


Such helplessness, such anger

I have held it in quite longer

Let me express it, it’s okay to

It’s an emotion we all go through

Oh! I can’t control it

And you can’t control it too


I feel like breaking stuff

And I feel like crying too

I am emotionally so weak

What do I do? Oh! What do I do?

I know I can’t control it

And you can’t control it too


Help me!!!

I know it affects me more than it affects you

I know I might spoil relationships

And I might spoil my health too

But, how are you so calm

When I know, like me, you can’t control it too


Or maybe you can

But tell how you do!

Cause I am tired of explaining and I am tired of trying

I don’t want to get angry; I don’t want to get blue

Tell me how to control it please

Now that I know; you do get angry, but you do control it too


Listen you here closely

It is okay to get angry, it is okay to feel blue

You should express it certainly

But you should know how to

Yes, even I have the fire in me

And I agree, it is sometimes difficult to control too


You breathe, you count

You take a break and meditate

You also might write

And if you can, go watch a beautiful sight

You sing, you dance, you paint or you may exercise

Also, crying here can actually be wise


You talk, you share

There is always someone there!

But if you really can’t bear

Do remember, there is always a therapist who does care!


There is a fire in me

There is a fire in you

I know how to control it

And someday, you will know too!

(The above poem is written by Ms. Rutuja Joshi, Founder at Aikyam Wellness Centre, Counselling Psychologist and Sports Psychologist, and Music and Dance Movement Therapy Practitioner)

2 thoughts on “Fire – A Poem”

  1. Heart wrenching!! Sometimes it may look like words but they are unsaid feelings. Theres passion and deep thought of the poetess to bring in this excellent piece of work


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