The Indian Association of Positive Psychology (IAPP) is a scientific community comprising of eminent researchers, scholars, professionals and students who share the common vision of promoting science and practice of positive psychology and its research-based applications. IAPP is a non-profit organization that seeks to encourage elaboration and propagation of research knowledge related to positive dimensions of human functioning. Aiming a prosperous and flourishing life for all, our dedicated members are committed for the growth of social, human, and economic capital of society. Our academic and professional contributions to the field of positive psychology span from consultations, assessments, research, seminars, newsletter, journal, training, workshops and annual conference.
Stated Objectives:
The Indian Association of Positive Psychology is dedicated to :
- To create awareness/spread knowledge and education about the field of positive psychology and develop the profession of positive psychology networking, creating data bank, collaborating and cooperation research, awareness, workshops and publication of monographs, reports, books etc.
- To serve as a nodal agency for imparting training for positive psychology and be an independent agency for certification of the trained professionals to serve as positive psychologists in various organizations.
- To liaison with Universities, research institutions, educational bodies and various government as well as industry bodies/ institutions both in India and abroad for approval and recognition for the programmes in positive psychology in India and to spread knowledge of positive psychology.
- To impart training and consultancy for schools, colleges, educational institutions and corporate sector on various areas relating to positive psychology in particular and also to conduct surveys on behalf of various organizations on the issues related to State and National relevance.
- To organize seminars, debates, workshops and conferences to bring the scientific community to the platform to share and spread the knowledge related to mankind.
- To create awareness about and undertake research, education & training, service, counseling of all aspects that contribute to sustainable human development in general and Indian society in particular. Keeping in view the specific needs of youth/weaker section/gender/elderly people in inter-temporal and inter-spatial contexts.
- To petition national, regional, and local government on behalf of issues relevant to association members and the profession.
- To purchase, acquire, build, and manage any moveable and immovable property for earning income for the Society and for and in furtherance of the aims and objectives of Society.
- To raise funds for carrying out activities of the Society or those incidental thereto by subscription & contributions, donations, grants and loans from individual, institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies and other.
- To raise loans for carrying activities of the Society from individuals, institutions, banks, financial institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, corporate, business, houses and others on suitable terms and conditions.
- To set up other societies and Institutions for carrying out the aims and objects of the Society.
See also:
- Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA)
- National Academy of Psychology (NAOP)
- Indian Institute of Psychology and Research (IIPR)
- Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
- Indian Psychology Institute (IPI)
- International Journal of Indian Psychology (IJIP)
- Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (JIAAP)
- Indian Association of Positive Psychology (IAPP)