Psychological Virtues linked with COVID-19 Adversity

One of the modern schools of Psychology the humanistic perspective emphasizes happiness, wellbeing, and positivity. The world at present is hurt and experiencing global grief, due to loss of lives, loss of a job, and economic crisis, all because of COVID 19. People have become anxious, fearful, and stressed, but we need to flourish during …

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Family Life during Covid-19 Lockdown: Challenges & Intervention

“Busy with cooking & house hold stuff…..feeling exhausted with work meetings & all.” “So difficult to keep children entertained during these times…waiting for normalcy to return.” Read dozens of WhatsApp messages as families struggle with the ‘new normal’ during Covid -19 lockdown. The current situation has thrown novel challenges at families worldwide and within India …

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Mental Health during COVID-19

Currently, the world is battling the crisis of COVID-19 mainly in terms of physical losses of life and financial crisis. The health care system is burdened heavily because of lack of resources both with regard to manpower and, infrastructure and equipment. However, we need to visualize and take proactive steps to prevent the fallout of …

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What is Netiquette? Simply stated, it’s ‘network etiquette’. “Etiquette” means “a prescribed or accepted code of behaviour in matters of formal procedure”. These are the forms required by good breeding. Similarly, netiquette is the convention on electronic forums (Email, live chat, and other Internet forums) – a set of rules for behaving properly online. It …

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Quick Fix Thy Confidence

“Damini* does everything as if perfect”, Ritu*, a first year student in a college, often thought to herself. Damini had mastered an essential art of success – confidence. Hence, her demeanour spoke volumes, and gained applause wherever she went. While her peers looked upto her, her teachers backed upon her for delegating. “She is exactly …

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Coronavirus and social isolation

In the countries ravaged by the virus, life has completely changed in a matter of days. Non-essential businesses have shut-down operations. Elderly residents of nursing homes are missing family visits. Children cannot play and learn alongside their classmates and friends. Many school and college students have switched to online learning. Couples are scrapping long-planned weddings. …

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