12 Tips for Positive Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child (Part 2)

.. continued from Part 1 7. Side-step power struggles by letting your child save face.  You don’t have to prove you’re right. You can, and should, set reasonable expectations and enforce them.  But under no circumstances should you try to break your child’s will or force him to acquiesce to your views.  He has to …

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12 Tips for Positive Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child (Part 1)

1. Avoid power struggles by using routines and rules.  That way you are not bossing them around, it’s just that “The schedule is to lights-out at 8pm.  If you finish things in time, we’ll have time for two books,” or “In this house, everyone must finish homework before screen time.”  The parent stops being the bad …

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Manage ADHD Naturally

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 3 to 5 percent of school-age children, causing symptoms such as inattentiveness, frenetic activity, anxiety and forgetfulness. Kids with ADHD typically respond to drug prescriptions designed to provide calm and focus, but some of these can cause unpleasant side effects like appetite changes and muscle spasms. Experts suggest considering …

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The Clock in Our Brain

Ever wonder why new born infants stay awake and active during night but sleep during day time? Body clock or Circadian rhythm is what enables us to synchronise the working of our body with the day and night. The actual ‘clock’ is a cluster of around 10,000 nerve cells that lie buried deep within a …

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Midnight Child: What lies ahead?

For a counselor, working with children can be challenging. It requires a lot of patience and presence of mind to answer their problems and sometimes to tackle their wit. Since you have to keep them engaged in various activities sometimes you run out of ideas. As a psychologist, I have had various experiences and learned …

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The Eternal Selfie

In today’s compact times when we come across someone new and want to add them to our social circle, the standard process of an exchange of phone numbers is usually padded with requests for personal and business email addresses in addition to “how can I find you on Facebook?”, “do you have a Twitter account?” …

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Talk Therapy

Help me, Counselor… Talking cure is a method of treating psychological disorders or emotional difficulties that involves talking to a therapist or counselor, in either individual or group sessions. It is quite like re-programming a computer. The outdated software that is probably loaded with virus (self-critical, negative and harmful thoughts) is replaced by a new version of …

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Shape Your Personal Brand Attitude

This post talks about tips for those looking to build and shape their successful personal brand. First and foremost, when looking to build your personal brand, you need to watch your attitude. Attitude here refers to the unique attitude that you have and how to develop it into something memorable and meaningful. Your attitude is …

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How Relationships Begin Today

A recently published American study by Cacioppo and colleagues (2013) analysed responses from nearly 20,000 people who married between 2005 and 2012. They found that more than one-third of marriages in America now begin on-line. As for the satisfaction – In comparison with more traditional off-line meeting, the on-line couples expressed greater marital satisfaction and …

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